Saturday, September 19, 2009

we're number 37

Watch this video.

Need some town hall humor? Watch this, it's absolutely hilarious.

Saturday, September 5, 2009

interview with bro

This was a short mention of my brother, Michal, from a Hong Kong radio interview that he did recently. The interview can be heard here. I thought the following description of the interview described him well as an avid pursuer of the arts. Love ya, bro.

"Michal García is a Texan photographer and music professional based in Hong Kong. He is a graduate of the University of North Texas where he studied Music and Film. García has been a part of numerous collaborations including the jazz fusion group Snarky Puppy, singer Sarah Renfro, The UNT Jazz Singers and lab bands, independent music site "My Denton Music", The Texas Filmmakers, and as a host on Dallas-based radio station KNTU FM 88.1. With the University of North Texas Jazz Singers and other university groups he has traveled to perform in New York, California, and Colorado. He can be heard on the vrecordings "In Case You Missed It" and "Traveling the Route" by the University of North Texas Jazz Singers. García is an advocate of the arts and pursues positive change through community building."